Voices In Payments - By PaymentGenes

Biometric Face Recognition Payments and The Future Of Payments ❖ Mihai Draghici - PayByFace

Episode Summary

In the fourth episode of our new podcast “Voices In Payments” our host, Diederik Klopper discusses The Future of Biometric Cardless Payment Processing with Mihai Draghici, Founder and CEO at PayByFace.

Episode Notes

PayByFace is on a mission to create a customer-centric, seamless, and secure digital payment ecosystem for a safer, faster, and more convenient shopping experience.

Listen to the podcast to find out:

If you’re curious to find out more about how PayByFace's Innovative Cardless Payment Processing creates a safer, faster, and more convenient shopping experience, please reach out to Mihai Draghici(PayByFace) for a conversation.